Monday, December 12, 2016

SPINNAKER LOUNGE In Modesto California Screwed over 3 Arizona Metal Bands.

Bullhead City & Modesto California December 9th and 10th 2016

A few weeks ago all three bands got together and set up a little weekend mini tour. Malicious Melodies and Brace4Impact had a show planned after the bullhead city show in Modesto California a couple months ago. At this time 2 IN THE CHEST could not do the show because of a prior engagement in Tucson Arizona. We that show fell through and the drummer for Malicious Melodies could not make either show in Bullhead City or Modesto, so Velvet De blonko from 2 IN THE CHEST was asked if she could sit in for these two shows and of course if anyone knows her she stepped up because that’s what Arizona bands do, they stick together because we are one big family. So because of this situation and the fact that a band dropped off at the Modesto California show 2 IN THE CHEST was added to the bill in Modesto California. 

December 9th 2016

After some conversation between Malicious Melodies and 2 IN THECHEST. We all decided to wagon train it to Bullhead City for the first show. When we arrived everything was looking good.    Malicious Melodies Fired up their set and hammered out an incredible performance giving Riviera Roadhouse Some killer Hard Rock n Roll. John AKA Charles Manson, Singer for Mal. Mel through the crowd in to an explosive frenzy and after only 4 rehearsals Velvet Pulled off an incredible performance. The sound was really good in that little bar with Erik Dennis and Jeremy carrying the awesome tones with guitars and bass. Making this performance one of the best I have ever seen. Little Sammy the Dust Bowl Metal Show Princes was part of this incredible performance as well holding the tempo high and tight with her little tambourine and singing with the band made for a great all-around performance for Mal. Mel. The bar staff was incredible to all of us. Sammy being only 8 and the bass player for 2 IN THE CHEST and his girlfriend only 18, they were very accommodating to us and that was a breath of fresh air. I was pumped to say the least I could not wait to get on stage. But it was not time for that. 

Now is the time for Brace4Impact to hit the stage with their aggressive style of hard core brutal metal. With their 8 string guitars the powerful low tones of the meal was to say the least very; very cool. And the new bass player holding down the even lower tones made for one killer set for these beasts of metal. The cool thing about this little mini tour is that all the bands used the same gear making it easier and faster for the transition this gave each band a longer set in turn giving the crowd total entertainment or the entire night.

Next up  2 IN THE CHEST that small town was not ready for this. As soon as the band started performing every camera in the house started recording and taking pictures. I don’t think they have ever seen a performance like this before in their little town. And that made for a very fun environment for 2 IN THE CHEST and of Course; Sammy AKA Mary Ela O Sullivan Stole the show with her bad self. 

Ok the night was done it was time to get to the hotels and try to get some sleep for the long drive to Modesto California.

Arriving and setting up the hotel rooms was the first thing we all did. We all met at the venue in just about the time for the show to begin. Brace4Impact showed up again with all the gear and we got with the promoter and got the underage people all set up with their red x on their hands and started loading in and setting up, as 2 IN THE CHEST  was the first band to perform this night. The promoter even had a BBQ grill out back grilling burgers and dogs for all the bands. it was looking to be a great night of music for our little mini tour. 

I Dropped Rachel and Sammy in the back and drove around front to unload the gear because with all the rain, it made it a huge lake out back and we could not load in from there. As I pulled around front to unload the guitars and stage gear the Bartender locked the back door Leaving Rachel and Sammy out back. Now the only way for them to get into the venue; was to walk all the way around this very long strip mall. So to complete this task they had to wade in knee deep water to do that, (Not very cool to say the least) Rachel Being Legally Blind and Sammy only 8 years old making it waist deep for her, 51 degrees outside and they were soaking wet Freezing, pretty much set the tone for the night with Rachel, She was furious. 

OK after calming Rachel down from that, we continue to set up the gear. Then I get a phone call from Erik From Mal. Mel saying the Bar tender will not let Sammy and Carter (Mary Ela & Scotty Six Gun) into the venue to perform. We all knew they would not be able to stay in there as that’s how things work. Bands with under age people have to wait outside until it’s time to perform then when it’s time to perform they do the set and then have to leave right away. We knew this was the case. But this bar tender would not even let them in at all.  

The thing is 2 IN THE CHEST would not have driven 12 hours to a show if they could not perform. After I talked to the Bar Tender, John from malicious Melodies talked to her and Tao from brace4impact talked to her the story was still the same, she was a total bitch and did not give two shits about anything or anyone but her selfless pride. 

When the rest of the band members from Malicious Melodies and Brace4Impact heard this, everyone was pissed. So the only answer to this was the same for all bands, we all stick together and if 2 IN  THE CHEST is not allowed to perform then we do not perform either. SPINNAKER LOUNGE    SEND IN YOUR YELP REVIEW AS WELL screwed the wrong person over. They not only screwed 2 IN THE CHEST  they screwed Malicious Melodies & Brace4Impact. That’s three Arizona metal bands. 

Well after we loaded up all the gear and took off, we all met at the hotel and partied it up for the rest of the night and headed out on the 12 hour trek back home in the morning.

The DUST BOWL METAL SHOW is asking all you meat bags to go to their page and give them the worse rating you can and show that evil bitch that you do not screw Arizona bands.

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