Sunday, October 16, 2016

DUST BOWL Metal Review October 14th 2016

Metal Review 10/14/2016 
Reverend Black Jack McBride

Fighting the Phoenix from Canon City, Colorado 
Chris King | Lead Vocals
Zach Snyder | Guitar | Vocals
Kyle Snyder | Drums
Kyle Parker | Bass
Austin Parks | Guitar

Headed out for a night of metal tonight and holy son of a motherless Chicken!
I showed up kind of early, well it was early for me. Most know I have an extreme autistic child and it’s hard to pull away from the house in time to catch all the bands.
 Good news is the local EXISTENCE AD I have seen several times so I did not feel too bad about that. Crippled ninja was up next and let me tell you these guys have a really killer style of metal. It totally stands out from a great deal of the local bands. I have seen them several times and I enjoy them every time and that goes without saying. If you have not checked them out, they are definitely worth the ticket to get in for sure. I absolutely love these guys.

I am always interested in supporting the touring bands because in this day and age the music scene sucks the hairy berries, and makes it very hard to at minimum make enough to at least get to the next show. Most people do not understand this. Locals should always buy a CD or a shirt or donate some cash to then bands. They work really hard on tour. It’s not easy doing this, everything costs money,
and when you have 5 members, that means 5 mouths to feed at minimum twice a day. So that alone equates to 100.00 dollars then you have the gas and lodging because most don’t tour on a big bus where that’s available to them. So at minimum you have 2 rooms and as many as 3 because I don’t know too many grown men if they are not same sex savy, that are going to sleep in the same bed with each other. So this equates to 225.00 for one night. I can go on with numbers, but I think you get the idea. So when you are at a show, please! Buy their merchandise and help them get through their tour.

Now the first touring act was a band of course I have never heard of, “FIGHTING THE PHOENIX” I am going to say right off the bat these guys are national material point blank. FIGHTING THE PHOENIX brings to the table a standard that some of our local talent really needs to adhere to. There are no words that I can say in this review that will give these guys the true props they deserve. They hail from Canon City, Colorado. I talk about this all the time. When you get on stage to perform you either bring it or you don’t and these guys brought it and left it all on stage. They have an incredible stage performance. Although you know some of it is choreographed it does not look rehearsed at all, It looked completely natural. They all know where everyone was at all times and every member in that band was explosive with their movements and delivery of their parts to this amazing performance. Another thing I say all the time is, when I go to a show I go to SEE a performance not just hear it. “If I wanted to hear music I would pop in a CD” Steve Lee Xpansion Theory.


This is totally true; and I am sure everyone can relate to this. So many times I go to shows that the bands look like they don’t even want to be there. FIGHTING THE PHOENIX gets 2 full horns \m/ \m/ for their amazing performance. Check them out of Facebook at your earliest conveyance; it is worth your time.

The DUST BOWL METAL SHOW will be spinning their entire record in the air raid hour on Thursday October 20th 2016 Show in most cases start at 6:00pm. Tune in at  Click the listen live tab.

Paralys From Rock Springs, WY  

David Siegel-Vocals
Jason Dreher-Guitars
Adam Fitzgerald-Drums
Mike Metz-Bass

Matt Cutting-Guitars

The last band of the evening was a killer band from. Wyoming These guys were fun as heck. I did some live feed for them that night. Very powerful band, full of infectious grooves, and one hell of a lead guitar player. At times his fingers were moving so fast I think time stopped lol. But seriously I would love to share the stage with any of the bands on the bill this night. Colorado and Rock Springs, WY should be proud of these guys. Click the listen live tab.
They came to Arizona and brought down the 
house. Great job guys. PARALYS gets 2 and ¾ horns. I know it’s kinda  dumb but they had no bass player. Godda have a bass player to get 2 full horns. But know this, you got 2 full horns even if you didn’t. killer show guys and thanks for the CD I will spin it in the air raid hour on Thursday October 27